Evidently, Gray Davis missed the irony of his association with Clinton and Jackson, both caught in notorious sex scandals, even as he condemned Schwartzenegger. --Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, “Character in Leadership: Does it Really Matter Anymore?”He hears Gray Davis condemn Arnold’s past
Of groping women. Nancy Pelosi,
Bill Clinton, Jackson, Feinstein, Brown--a vast
Array of famous Democrats agree.
He hears a Voice say “You are being used.”
There’s something wrong. His brain can’t find the flaw.
His logic fails. His thoughts become confused.
Flashback: A rally back in Arkansas.
The anti-war, American flag burning,
Pot smoking, disrespectful, bottle smashing,
Hate-your-own country, feminist, Bush bashing,
Gun control, pro-choice, right-wing Christian trashing,
So patriotic, powerful he-man,
Flag waving, cheering, General Clark fan.
There are times in American history when it becomes necessary for the “silent majority” to speak out. Now is one of those times. --Bobby Eberle, President and CEO of GOPUSAI came a little early to commune
With other patriots before the fans
Arrived. I was alone, but they’d come soon
To help me sass the traitors, share my plans.
The fifteen thousand fans filed past my sign
Of protest. Most ignored it. Five young girls
With cowboy hats and cameras entwine
Themselves around me. They’re all smiles and curls.
They thank me for the photo op and rush
Away. The news crews have their interviews
And stories. No one is outside. A hush
Pervades. “A Lone Protester” is the news.
On Honor’s field the gauntlets have been thrown,
And just ignored; and still I’m all alone!
Thomas Newton
Conservative Poet